Zwei Frauen laufen lachend und mit wehenden Haaren am Wasser entlang. Im Hintergrund ist eine Stadt zu sehen.


Wind strength 6: strong wind in Schleswig-Holstein’s towns. It blows through the streets when you’re shopping, gusts over the historical ports and plays with the boat sails, it messes up your hair and luckily also blows your cobwebs away.

The towns up here have everything you could want and maybe even a bit more. They come with a view of the sea, a view of the lake, a view of the river, a view of the port, a view of the silt, a view of the folding bridge and when it’s foggy, sometimes no view at all. Great, in other words, for a short break with lots of variety. Experience lively culture on small stages with exciting artists or tangible history in unique museums. Discover shops off the beaten track on a stroll through old cobbled streets. Idyllically beautiful at any time of year. Schleswig-Holstein can deliver much more than just flat expanses of countryside.


Nordic City Vibes Magazine

Truly versatile: the cities in Schleswig-Holstein are the perfect short break destination in the true north! Whether with a historical or modern backdrop, on the coast or in the middle of the inland, the cities fascinate their guests time and time again. Culture, shopping and culinary enthusiasts, as well as business travelers, get their money's worth here. Experience the colorful diversity that the cities in the true north have to offer!

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Gemütlich auf dem Bett beim Müsliessen StadtLiebe Magazin lesen
© Freepik

Cities close to the water

Whether on the sea coasts or in the midst of lush lake landscapes, whether on the Kiel Canal (Nord-Ostsee-Kanal), along winding canals or clear rivers: Schleswig-Holstein's vacation bliss is reflected in the water's surface in the most beautiful colors of the respective season. While spring lets the cities blossom, the bathing season pampers with a fresh summer breeze. Autumn invigorates life and the countryside with a tailwind, while winter makes the Kluntje clink in the tea glass. Every season in the far north has its own special charm.

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Eine Frau und ein Mann sitzen in einem Kanu
© Arve D. Fühler

An over­view of the cit­ies

Blick durch Gräser auf ein Schloss vor einem Gewässer
Häuser in Bad Segeberg
Blick durch Blätter auf ein Schloss
Gasse mit Kopfsteinpflaster und alten Häusern recht und links
Grachten und Giebelhäuser in Friedrichstadt
Museumsschiff Rigmor
Hafen von Husum
Hafen von Kiel
Lübecker Holstentor
Luftaufnahme von Mölln
Geschäfte im Designer Outlet Neumünster
See am Strandhaus Norderstedt
Luftaufnahme von Plön
Geschäfte im Designer Outlet Neumünster

Experience the wide range of shopping opportunities in Schleswig-Holstein.

Your contact

Zwei lachende Frauen gehen auf einem Steg entlang, im Hintergrund ist eine Stadt zu sehen. Die Haare der beiden Frauen wehen im Wind.

Marketingkooperation Städte in Schleswig-Holstein e.V.

Andreas-Gayk-Straße 31
24103 Kiel