Blick auf die Grachten in Friedrichstadt


Discover the town of Friedrichstadt founded by Dutch settlers on the North Sea coast and be enchanted by the typical gabled houses and romantic canals. It’s not far by boat, bike or on foot to the river landscape of the Eider-Treene-Sorge and the Eiderstedt peninsula.

Exciting experiences on the water’s edge

The spirit of its Dutch founders can still be felt in ‘Little Amsterdam’ today.

Experience for yourself their 400-year-old joie de vivre, culture and architecture. How about touring the town on water? The boat takes you along narrow canals, under small bridges and past the stepped, gabled houses of the Old Town. The town guides in Dutch costume will take you to the small shops in Prinzenstrasse, to the ‘Alte Münze’ museum or the historical carpentry museum. Artists in the galleries, studios and workshops also exude creativity and independence. Feel inspired by the diverse, fascinating history of the town’s religious development. Get to know places of worship for five denominations and visit the Remonstrant Church – the only one outside the Netherlands.

Fancy a little trip into the countryside? Explore the romantic river landscape of the Eider-Treene-Sorge or the North Sea peninsula of Eiderstedt on foot, by bike or on the water.

Cities close to the water

Whether on the seashore or in the midst of lush lake landscapes, whether on the Kiel Canal, along winding canals or clear rivers: Schleswig-Holstein's vacation happiness is reflected in the water's surface in the most beautiful colors of the respective season. While spring lets the cities blossom, the bathing season pampers with a fresh summer breeze. Autumn invigorates life and the countryside with a tailwind, while winter makes the Kluntje clink in the tea glass. Every season in the far north has its own special charm.

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Eine Frau und ein Mann sitzen in einem Kanu
© Arve D. Fühler

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Grachten und Giebelhäuser in Friedrichstadt

Tourismusverein Friedrichstadt und Umgebung e.V.