Rot-weiß gestreifter Leuchtturm vor dem Sonnenuntergang an der Nordsee

Vacation on the North Sea in Schleswig-Holstein

Wind force 8, gale-force wind on the west coast of Schleswig-Holstein. Spray flies over the long beaches of the North Sea and over the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea National Park. On the horizon, lighthouses show the ships the way. Hearts beat faster and stress finally flies away on a North Sea vacation.

North Sea time is always also refreshing wind time. The clouds above, the mudflats below and that taste of salt, vastness, infinity and solitude in the air. Somewhere back there in the shining gray, a grey seal in the middle of the sandbank. With squinted eyes, you can just make out the Halligen. Sylt, Amrum, Föhr, Pellworm: just a hint. On the left, off St. Peter-Ording, a cutter sways in the waves. On the right, a beach sailor, all alone, with only the kilometer-long beach in front of him. The wind picks up, tugging at the hood, the surf spills over the boots and the rain slowly comes with the storm. The walk on the beach ends here. The tea room and fireplace time begins. At last. You can only feel good despite the bad weather on a vacation on the North Sea in Schleswig-Holstein.

Typical North Sea

When you think of the North Sea, you think of long beacheslonely Halligen islands in the middle of the sea, fiery red lighthouses, the Friedrichskoog seal station, Büsum lighthouse crabs and the colorful port town of Husum - and that's exactly what you can look forward to. Because the North Sea vacation region keeps its promises.

Vacation activities on the North Sea

Eine Menschengruppe wandert in ihrem Urlaub durch das Wattenmeer an der Nordsee
© Nordseeküste Nordfriesland | Markus Rohrbacher

Mudflat walking

Every six hours and twelve minutes, a natural miracle happens on the North Sea coast in Schleswig-Holstein: the water recedes and reveals the seabed, the Wadden Sea. This extraordinary habitat has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2009. Despite the tides, which determine the extreme rhythm of life here, the sandbanks, mudflats and salt marshes are home to over 10,000 animal and plant species. More than 10 million migratory birds rest on the mudflats on their way to their breeding and wintering grounds. The best way to experience this natural wonder is on a guided mudflat hike, where expert mudflat guides tell you all about the habitat.

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Abgestellte Fahrräder am Rad- und Wanderweg in Schleswig-Holstein
© Beate Zoellner


Windswept pastures, thatched farmhouses, the sea rushing behind the dunes and the beach beckoning for a picnic: a varied, well-signposted network of cycle paths runs through the entire vacation region on the North Sea and invites you to actively explore. Along the coast, there is the well-known North Sea coastal cycle path and the Viking-Frisian Trail (Wikinger-Friesen-Weg) there are a further 420 kilometers of signposted cycle tours along which you can explore the region behind the dyke on an active vacation.

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Bunte Kites fliegen am Himmel über der Nordsee in Schleswig-Holstein
© Nordseeküste Nordfriesland | Markus Rohrbacher

Water sports

Wind and waves, high and low tide, sun and clouds. The sea looks different every day. But there are weather conditions in the North Sea that often come together: Sun and wind, for example. Weather that is ideal for water sports enthusiasts such as surfers, sailors and kiters, for whom the motto is often: the more wind, the better. Ideal conditions for an active vacation in Schleswig-Holstein.

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Weiße Strandkörbe stehen im Sand an der Nordsee in Schleswig-Holstein
© Ulla Moswald


With its naturally stimulating climate, the North Sea in Schleswig-Holstein offers the best conditions for a wellness and health vacation. A trip to the thermal baths and leisure pools on the North Sea coast is a great way to spend a whole day, not just in the rain and wind, but whatever the weather. Doesn't wellness and sauna feel best when the wind is whistling around the corners outside?

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Das UNESCO Weltnaturerbe Wattenmeer an der Nordsee von oben bei Sonnenuntergang
© Nordseeküste Nordfriesland | Markus Rohrbacher

Experience unique vacation experiences at the UNESCO World Heritage Wadden Sea in Schleswig-Holstein!

Highlights on the North Sea in Schleswig-Holstein

Strand und Dünen an der Nordsee. Ein Holzbau und wenige Strandkörbe befinden sich am Strand in Schleswig-Holstein..
© Beate Zoellner

The vacation islands of Schleswig-Holstein are characterized by miles of fine sandy beaches and a lush dune landscape. Sylt, the largest North Sea island, combines nature, glamour and fine dining, while Föhr, the "Frisian Caribbean" with its healthy climate, lies further south. The fine, white Kniepsand off Amrum is one of Europe's widest beaches and on Pellworm and the Nordstrand peninsula, those seeking peace and quiet can relax in the vast landscape and among the green meadows.

Radfahrer fahren an der Nordsee an einem Deich entlang auf dem Scharfe liegen.

Active vacationers can explore the entire North Sea coast of Schleswig-Holstein on the North Sea Coast Cycle Route (North Sea Coast Cycle Route (Nordseeküsten Radweg) ). The German section of the North Sea Cycle Route runs for around 352 kilometers along the sea, through the vacation resorts of Niebüll, Dagebüll, Husum, St. Peter-Ording, Büsum and Meldorf to Brunsbüttel. From there, the North Sea Coast Cycle Route (North Sea Coast Cycle Route (Nordseeküsten Radweg)) continues along the Elbe via Glückstadt and Wedel to Hamburg.

Die Hallig Südfall liegt mitten in der Nordsee in Schleswig-Holstein
© Nordseeküste Nordfriesland | Markus Rohrbacher

The 10 unique Halligen islands, small islets surrounded by water, lie in the middle of the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea National Park. Those who live here feel the tides and live with them. The lost spots of land in the middle of the Wadden Sea are perfect for a quiet and relaxing vacation in nature.

Excursion tips worth seeing on the North Sea coast

Der Rote Fels, die Lange Anne auf Helgoland in Schleswig-Holstein

Schleswig-Holstein is home to Germany's only high seas island - Heligoland. Heligoland! The idyllic vacation paradise in the middle of the North Sea is a trip tip for nature lovers and those seeking relaxation. The island impresses with its imposing cliffs, the famous "Lange Anna" rock landmark and the clear, salty high seas climate, which promises a perfect break from everyday life. Visitors can enjoy the breathtaking nature on the cliff edge path, explore the unique bird sanctuary or experience maritime culture on the colorful lobster shack promenade.

Leuchtturm in Westerheversand im Nebel bei Sonnenuntergang über der Nordsee Schleswig-Holstein. Am Himmel ist der Mond.
© Ulla Moswald

A popular postcard motif, a feeling of vastness and the romance of the sea and coast - lighthouses are unmistakable testimonies to Schleswig-Holstein's maritime culture. The most famous lighthouse in Schleswig-Holstein is the red and white striped Westerheversand lighthouse on the Eiderstedt peninsula. The red giant in the Wadden Sea, surrounded by salt marshes, is probably one of the most "photogenic" vacation highlights on the North Sea coast with its 41.5 meters and the two adjoining houses where the lighthouse keepers once lived. The lighthouse can not only be visited on a guided tour, but bridal couples can even say "I do" in the wedding room.

The Museum Art of the Westcoast in Alkersum on Föhr is an excursion destination for art lovers and culture enthusiasts. In an impressive combination of modern architecture and Frisian charm, the museum is dedicated to works of art that explore the themes of the sea, the coast and life on the North Sea. The collection includes important works by artists such as Emil Nolde, Max Liebermann and Edvard Munch, complemented by exciting temporary exhibitions of contemporary art. Visitors can look forward to a unique blend of historical and modern coastal flair.


Pfahlbauten am Strand im Urlaubsort St-Peter-Ording an der Nordsee.
© Ulla Moswald

The 14 famous Pile dwellings in St. Peter-Ording on the Eiderstedt peninsula are a unique vacation highlight on Schleswig-Holstein's North Sea coast. The seven-meter-high wooden houses on stilts are the landmark of St. Peter-Ording and unique on the German coast. For over 100 years, they have shaped the endless expanse of the resort's beach, defying wind and waves. The 6 pile dwelling restaurants in particular are an excursion tip and a must for every North Sea vacation!

Menschen stehen vor einem lodernden Feuer und genießen das Biikebrennen in ihrem Urlaub an der Nordsee in Schleswig-Holstein
© CC0

The Biikebrennen is an ancient North Frisian custom that lights up the North Sea coast of Schleswig-Holstein every year on February 21. The carnival custom, which has been mentioned in regional history books since 1740, is intended to drive away the spirits of winter and welcome in the new harvest year. Even today, the Biikebrennen is a sociable celebration with mulled wine, fire baskets and Frisian conviviality. Shortly before the start of Lent, there are of course plenty of hot, high-proof drinks at the Frisian national festival. A glass of Pharisee or Tote Tante, for example, is far tastier than the name suggests: Coffee or cocoa with at least three centiliters of rum and topped with whipped cream warms you up from the inside. An event tip for your North Sea vacation!

Landscape by the North Sea

Landscape at the North Sea

A typical picture of Schleswig-Holstein’s North Sea coast has three colours: A deep blue for the sky and the sea, a light brown for the beach and a rich green for dunes and fields. Oh, and the signal colour red for the lighthouse, of course.

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Schafe grasen vor einem Leuchtturm an der Nordsee in Schleswig-Holstein
© Beate Zoellner

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