North Sea
Wind force 8, gale force wind at the North Sea. Spray flies over the coast. Dark clouds fly over the Wadden Sea. Kiters fly over the waves. Seagulls fly on the spot. Caps fly off your head, hearts beat faster and stress finally flies away.
Time at the North Sea always ensures maximum refreshment and invigoration. Above the clouds, below the mudflats and in the air, this taste of salt, vastness, infinity, aloneness. Somewhere back there in the shining grey, a grey seal, in the middle of the sandbank. With narrowed eyes, you can just about make out the Halligen, but only just. Sylt, Amrum, Föhr: these can only to be guessed at. On the left off St. Peter-Ording, a cutter cruises along, rocking in the waves. On the right, a beach sailor, all alone, just the kilometre-long beach in front of him. The wind freshens, tugs at the hood, the surf sloshes over the boots, the rain slowly comes with the storm. And the beach walk ends here. Now it’s the tea room fireside’s turn to inspire us. Finally. Feeling good despite bad weather is something you can only do at the North Sea.
Typical North Sea
When you think of the North Sea, you think of long beaches, lonely Halligen in the middle of the sea, fiery red lighthouses, the Friedrichskoog Seal Station with young grey seals and harbour seals, small fishing boats and colourful harbour towns – and that’s exactly what you can look forward to. Because the North Sea keeps its promises.
Highlights at the North Sea
On our North Sea coast, things are down-to-earth and tranquil. The main protagonist on stage, however, has a tart, headstrong beauty that makes everyone’s heart beat faster: The sea.
Landscape at the North Sea
A typical picture of Schleswig-Holstein’s North Sea coast has three colours: A deep blue for the sky and the sea, a light brown for the beach and a rich green for dunes and fields. Oh, and the signal colour red for the lighthouse, of course.
Activities at the North Sea
So please take a deep breath. Sometimes, you have to want to be outside ... But it’s worth it! The sea calms the soul, the circulation gets going, the wind conjures up a rosy complexion. And now a grog!
Culture at the North Sea
Art, culture and culinary delights? That we can. And even in five languages: High and Low German, High and Low Danish and Frisian. Welcome to Germany’s northernmost cultural site!