Ein See inmitten einer Waldlandschaft. Dichter Nebel hängt tief über den Bäumen.

Vacation between the coasts in Schleswig-Holstein

In the far north, between the North Sea and Baltic Sea, several vacation regions await you: the natural beauty of Holstein Switzerland, the culturally and historically diverse inland region and the romantic Duchy of Lauenburg and Stormarn. Each is unique in its own right in terms of its landscape and cultural treasures.


Vacation regions between the North Sea and Baltic Sea

Zwei Männer sitzen auf Holzliegen. Zwischen ihnen steht ein Tisch mit Weingläsern. Der eine Mann schenkt  Wein in die Gläser.
© sh-tourismus.de/MOCANOX

Wind force 5, fresh breeze in Holstein Switzerland. Blows from the coast through cottage gardens, over lakes, forests and old thatched houses. Blows pure vacation happiness right into your heart.

Zwei junge Frauen fahren mit dem Rad an der Schlei entlang.
© sh-tourismus.de/MOCANOX

Wind force 5, fresh wind, in the middle of Schleswig-Holstein. It smells of fertile soil, small streams, large rivers, damp forest, dark Moor, home-baked goods and wonderfully relaxed days full of beautiful memories.

Ein Paar spaziert durch einen herbstlichen Wald.
© sh-tourismus.de/MOCANOX

Wind force 4, moderate wind in the Duchy of Lauenburg and Stormarn. Wind over high treetops. Wind over the lakes. Wind over endless hiking trails, cycle paths and discovery routes. Or in other words: wind and relaxation above all else.

In Schleswig-Holstein, away from the coasts, the inland areas, the Duchy of Lauenburg and Stormarn and Holstein Switzerland invite you to actively relax. Nature is the real treasure here. Unique natural paradises, characterized by moor and heath landscapes, lakes and rivers, forests and meadows, are waiting to be discovered. The wide pastures, Moors, small valleys, pumping stations and locks can be experienced in a variety of ways. Whether on cycling and hiking tours, trips by canoe, sailing boat or excursion boat - being out and about in nature here means relaxation. The idyllic landscape of the inland regions between the coasts is still an insider tip for nature lovers and those seeking relaxation. Culinary delights are also served up here: many cozy farm cafés and stores offer delicacies from their own production - to stop off for a bite to eat, for on the go or as a souvenir from your vacation.

Typical Between the coasts

Schleswig-Holstein is the land between the seas. The North Sea and Baltic Sea coasts characterize the northernmost federal state more than anything else. But if you dare to take a look at the green land behind the dykes, you will be rewarded with long-grown cultural landscapes and wilderness, art and music, history, crafts and culinary delights.