Sleeping beach chair
A special overnight stay in the true north: Spend the night on the beach or a particularly beautiful place in nature in the world’s first sleeping beach chair. Whether counting stars, falling asleep to the sound of the sea or enjoying the sunrise in the morning calm, the sleeping beach chair offers unique moments of happiness.
The sleeping beach chair is located near the sea, directly on the beach. During the day, it is no different from the usual beach chairs, but at night it becomes an exceptional sleeping option. Awaken childhood memories that lie dormant deep within us and have often been forgotten. This offers the best prerequisite for releasing the body’s own happiness hormones and experiencing feelings of happiness! Along the North Sea and Baltic Sea, you can book the beach chair and spend comfortable nights under the stars. It is 1.40 metres wide and 2.30 metres long and thus offers enough space for two adults. It can be closed with a weatherproof, windowed tarpaulin. This keeps you dry when it rains or the wind blows.
The sleeping beach chairs in the regions
Would you like to spend some comfortable nights under the stars yourself this summer? For more information on the “Schlafstrandkorb” or “sleeping beach chairs” in Schleswig-Holstein and booking options, click here: