Zwei Frauen wandern entlang von Wiesen und Weiden


Discover the most popular hiking routes in Schleswig-Holstein and experience unforgettable adventures amidst breathtaking natural scenery.

From the idyllic trails through the inland regions to the coastal paths along the North Sea and Baltic Sea, the state offers a variety of hiking experiences for all nature lovers. Highlights include the coastal hiking trails with their impressive sea views and the nature park hiking trail with its picturesque paths and panoramic views, which connects four nature parks. The three popular long-distance hiking trails E1, E6 and E9 lead through varied landscapes and hidden villages. Schleswig-Holstein is a true paradise for hikers of all levels. Explore historical sights, enjoy the tranquillity of nature and be inspired by the variety of hiking routes.


Where would you like to hike?

Further information

Nahaufnahme Wanderschuh im Gras
© CC0

Get inspiration for your hiking route through Schleswig-Holstein from the "Wanderbares Schleswig-Holstein" interest group.

State Office for Surveying and Geoinformation in Schleswig-Holstein

Here you will find the official topographical leisure maps for planning your leisure activities.