Publisher and person responsible for content
Tourismus-Agentur Schleswig-Holstein GmbH
Wall 55
24103 Kiel
Phone: +49 431 600 58-3
Fax: +49 431 600 58-44
Managing Director with signing authority: Dr. Bettina Bunge
Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board: Julia Carstens
Commercial Register
Company headquarters: Kiel
Kiel District Court, HRB 5412
VAT identification number in accordance with § 27 a of the Umsatzsteuergesetz (German VAT Act):
Data protection commissioner:
compolicy GmbH
Schwedenkai 1
24103 Kiel
Tel.: +49 (0) 431 9089480
Layout and design, technical implementation
Provision of technology platform and content management system
Design and provision of the geo-information system
Toursprung GmbH
Fritz-Arnold-Str. 16a
78467 Konstanz
Telefon: +49 (0) 7531 - 81993-30
Telefax: +49 (0) 7531 - 81993-39
Translation into English
Kern AG Sprachendienste
Holstenstraße 22
24103 Kiel
Hotline: +49 431 982 6067-0
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By accessing this website, you acknowledge the following conditions and all applicable laws without limitation. Unless other arrangements are made, the content of this website – including the texts and pictures contained in it and their arrangement – is the property of the Tourismus Agentur Schleswig-Holstein GmbH (TA.SH). All incorporated trademarks, logos and brand names which are used on this website are the property of the relevant owner. TA.SH states that it recognises all markers of ownership as such, even if this is not pointed out in individual cases.
The copyright and the rights of use for all pictures, photographs and texts used in the presentation are the property of TA.SH or have been transferred to TA.SH for its use. No other use is permitted without express authorisation.
The data and texts which are made available on this website are free of charge and are for information purposes only. The information given is based on the information provided by the regions, resorts or individual persons. TA.SH cannot guarantee or assume any liability for its accuracy or completeness. Use of the information does not entail any business relationship between the visitor of the website and TA.SH.
Hyperlinks on this website may lead to other, external websites which are not managed by TA.SH. TA.SH cannot assume any liability or responsibility for the content of these sites. A link to an external website is not a guarantee for its content or the products or services it offers. Any use of the information available on the website or on other websites linked to it takes place at the risk of the user. TA.SH expressly distances itself from the content of external websites.
TA.SH operates this website in Germany. The conditions of use and all legal procedures are subject to German law. Should a lawsuit be brought against TA.SH, TA.SH may decide as to which jurisdiction is chosen. TA.SH is very likely to choose Germany as the place of jurisdiction, regardless of which country you are in or from which country you accessed the website.
TA.SH assumes no liability of any kind for the timeliness, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims against TA.SH that relate to damages of material or immaterial nature caused by the use or non-use of the information presented and/or by the use of incorrect and incomplete information shall be excluded in so far as no intentional or negligent culpability is demonstrated on the part of the author.
All offers are subject to confirmation and not binding. The author expressly reserves the right to modify, amend, delete or temporarily or permanently cease publication of parts of the site or of the complete site.
Offer database
The relevant providers are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of prices, travel times and offers from third parties which are published on the website of TA.SH, including the published travel offers from the offer database. TA.SH does not act as a travel agent or as a tour operator, rather it makes its Internet portal available to its partners and tourism service providers exclusively as a platform to present the relevant offer. Therefore, all information is given with no responsibility for its accuracy.
Please note that when purchasing a package deal the general terms and conditions of the supplier apply. These are generally sent to you by the information and booking centre or the supplier before you conclude the travel contract. The supplier is a tour operator within the meaning of § 651 of the BGB (German Civil Code) and must adhere to the legal provisions deriving therefrom.
Legal effectiveness of this liability exclusion
This liability exclusion shall be considered a part of the Internet presence from within which a reference has been made to this page. In so far as parts or individual formulations of this text shall not, no longer or not completely correspond to the applicable legal situation, this shall not affect the content or validity of the remaining parts of this document.
© 2022 Tourismus-Agentur Schleswig-Holstein GmbH