Sonnenaufgang über einer grünen Wiese. Neben der Wiese verläuft ein Weg.


Wind force 5, fresh wind, in the middle of Schleswig-Holstein. It smells of fertile earth, small streams, big rivers, of damp forest, dark moor, of home-baked food, of wonderfully relaxed days full of beautiful memories.

The inland region of Schleswig-Holstein is a wonderful place to north your recreational compass. Between the green inland, the Schlei region the Auenland an der Stör, as well as the Elbmarsch in the far south, a new time-out awaits at every turn. In the middle of the region, the Mittelholstein the Segeberg district, as well as the city of Neumünster, lure in visitors with exciting adventure offers. Extensive river landscapes, unique nature parks, crystal-clear lakes. Gentle hills. Dikes with sheep on them and big boats behind them. Romantic little shops. Spectacular craftsmanship. Small markets with fresh fruit and vegetables. Adventure farms where visitors can feed cows (and milk them, if you dare). Quaint. Real. Pithy. The pleasure of the countryside. Enough treats to make you feel like you could burst. But never mind. Hiking and cycle paths for a short, relaxing digestive tour are, fortunately, more than plentiful here.

Typically Inland

The inland of Schleswig-Holstein is grassy green: Meadows, “Knicks” (traditional hedge ways) and deciduous forests characterise the landscape in the three nature parks of the state, which are strung together to form its “green” heart. The inland is traversed by one of the most important waterways in the world: the Kiel Canal.


An overview of the Inland

Highlights in the Inland

Invitation to the country party: The inland region of Schleswig-Holstein offers holidays for every passion – between the Danish border and the Schlei region in the north, the fertile marshland on the Elbe and the green Hamburg hinterland in the south, as well as the district of Segeberg in the east.

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Luftaufnahme Nord-Ostsee-Kanal bei Sonnenuntergang

Landscape in the Inland

All those individuals who have once listened in to the gentle rustle of the North German deciduous forests, who have become accustomed to the mild climate and who are beginning to call the green hills of inland Schleswig-Holstein “lovely” – they have truly arrived.

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Luftaufnahme Wald

Activities in the Inland

Whether hiking, cycling or canoeing, watching ships or experiencing the wild flora and fauna of the north: The “green” heart of Schleswig-Holstein invites you to active experiences that will stay in your memory. 

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Zwei Besucherinnen spazieren durch die Parkanlage des Arboretums Ellerhoop.

Culture in the Inland

Culture for every sense: In Schleswig-Holstein’s inland, you can hear, see, feel, taste and smell music, art, theatre, film, literature and culinary delights. Welcome to the colourful, diverse inland!

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Man steht bei einer Kunstaustellung vor einem silbernen Pferd

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Eine Frau fährt auf dem Fahrrad einen Weg am Ufer eines Gewässers entlang. Ihr Schal weht im Wind.

Schleswig-Holstein Binnenland Tourismus e.V. c/o RegionNord