Pärchen genießt den Sonnenuntergang auf einem Schlitten am Strand

Beautiful winter coasts

Experience the magic of lonely beaches in the true north.

This is not about what you see, but about what you don't see. No people, nowhere. Vastness, infinity, solitude. Splendor. Far back in the fog, the sandbank, just a glimmer. Rocking cutters, obscured by the luminous gray of the sky. Groynes in the hazy light, the silt: frozen over. The cliffs hidden behind icy veils. The soul comes to rest, the thoughts exhale. Once you have experienced all this, you will remain enchanted forever - and never want to be anywhere else in winter.

Click here for the North Sea & Baltic Sea

Hohe Wellen an der Steilküste von Sylt
© Ralf Meyer

No one to the left, no one to the right, straight ahead nothing but wind, waves, mudflats and vastness. A North Sea winter relaxes and pampers the self. With powerful nature, with plenty of time, with coziness - as well as with many other fascinating experiences and treats waiting to be discovered.

Zwei Personen sitzen in Winterkleidung mit Mütze am Strand an einem Feuerfass , in dem Feuer lodert, die Frau hält einen Becher in der Hand, der Mann wärmt sich die Hände am Feuer. Im Hintergrund zünden einige Personen Fackeln in einem Feuerfass an. Die Stimmung wirkt gemütlich durch den Feuerschein.
© www.ostsee-schleswig-holstein.de / Oliver Franke

The sky is grey, the coasts are colorful: Baltic winters are the time of contrasts, the variety we need to be happy: from togetherness on lonely beaches to a chat after a small concert. From a long walk to warming up at a winter bar. From the sea of lights into the darkness ...